Friday, October 21, 2011

Globalization and independent media

Globalization is a hot word for both people who are staunchly for it and for people who are staunchly against it.

However, if there's one thing globalization is good for, it's aiding independent media. With the rise of the internet, the world has started to become one global society and promote communication between countries.

South Africa, like many other African countries, struggles with authoritarian powers used against its people. The longer a ruler stays in power, the more likely he is to become a dictator.

But this can be applied to our two-party system as well. When either party becomes too strong, too weak, too unconcerned with its people, independent media turn to new movements. Independent media is all about change, and change for the better.

However, like economic troubles here, the independent media in South Africa have problems starting up. The person in power often postpones granting licenses or makes it too difficult and costly to use the printing press.

That's why we need to be aware of what's happening in other countries. We may not be able to help them, but we can encourage them to keep going. Their democracy can come about with the help of independent media.

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